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Star of Bethlehem coin, PUBLIUS SULPICIUS QUIRINIUS, Roman Governor of Syria 6-7 AD, under Augustus


The above coin series was minted in Antioch under Augustus around the census of Quirinius in 6AD. The ram represents Judea looking back at an astrologic event that is believed to be the Star of Bethlehem in 6 BC. Please see Michael Molnar's book "The Star of Bethlehem" for an in-depth discussion of the astrologic and astronomic event. One ray of light extends to the ground. Rome took advantage of this sign in the stars to validate their annexation of Judea in 6AD. An alternative theory may be this coin represents the "divine comet" associated with the assasination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. Augustus associated his divinity with this comet and may be trying to communicate this message to Judea. The light ray extention to the ground could be the tail of a comet. If Jesus Christ were born in 6 BC, at the time of the Star of Bethlehem, this coin may have been present when he was at the Temple in Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph. The census of Quirinius required an oath of loyalty to Caesar Augustus as well as taxation for support of his professional legions. It is not surprising that Christ was not with his parents as they left Jerusalem. Jesus would not have sworn loyalty to Caesar He was attending to His Father's business. Photo from Shick Coins.


2000 years ago the cross was a Roman symbol of death and terror. Jesus Christ transformed this symbol into a universal sign of God's love, hope and resurrection. Solar eclipse events are recorded in Roman mythology during the conception of Romulus and Remus by the war god Mars and during the foundation of the city of Rome. The solar eclipse to the Romans was a sign from their gods that war was upon the Earth. The solar eclipse symbol of the star/pellet within the crescent on Roman coins and legionary standards was also a sign of their god's approval of Roman domination over conquered lands. Fifteen hundred years later, the "Our Lady of Guadalupe" Icon was presented to the New World as an inverted Roman Legionary Standard. Jesus Christ changed these symbols of Roman domination and slavery into an everlasting sign of God's love and compassion. 

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