Meaning of a Comet and Solar Eclipse on a Roman Coin, the merging of Divinity and Kingship in the Roman Emperor
Coin of Augustus Caesar showing identification with the comet seen at the funeral of Julius Caesar. By showing this comet on a coin...
Star of Bethlehem Countermark with Christian Graffiti on Shekel of Tyre
This is a Herodian Temple tax coin minted in 26 BC. Tyre was essentially a private mint in which the purity of the silver satisfied the...
Beware the "Ides of October" New Mexico Solar Eclipse of 10/14/23 Pray for Peace!!!
Sometimes everything just comes together and this is that time. I study solar and lunar symbolism on ancient numismatics from the...
Was Cain growing drugs? Did this anger God? The numismatic evidence.
Obviously we have do not have numismatic evidence from the time of Cain and Abel. We do have clear numismatic evidence from antiquity and...
The Blood Moon, a symbol of feminine mourning in the ancient world.
A lunar eclipse was present at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the ancient world the moon represented the feminine and would have...
The City of Rome was founded on Fratricide. The Empire of Rome was founded on Deicide.
ROMULUS KILLING REMUS Emperor Augustus was successful in remaking the Republican gods into his image. Through stealth and subtle changes...
Is a New Roman Empire forming?
There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25 This speaks volumes about the current geopolitical climate. The...